Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hudson Before Urban Renewal

This image is from the collection in the History Room at the Hudson Area Library. It shows Hudson below Second Street shortly before fifty acres north of Warren Street were razed for Urban Renewal projects. At the bottom of the picture is Allen Street, with the Allen Street School prominently visible; at the right is Second Street; at the left is the river and Promenade Hill. Click on the image to enlarge it.   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Carole for making this available outside the confines of the history room, its a real tear jerker, one perhaps our civic leaders can finally respond to. Since reason and direct evidence offer no shelter.

    I remember the first time I viewed it, I had no idea the extent of the destruction. We lost *so much* of our City to the machinations of centralized city planning and its serial obsession with erasure. Like a trepanned psychiatric patient, we're left ambling about the wreckage of our once total City. To think they're gassing up the bulldozers once again - cue the funeral trumpets as we incinerate the last vestiges of a once beautiful quilt, RIP.
